Data Processing

High-quality processing is the key to turning gravity and magnetic data into useful information for geologic decisions. EDCON- PRJ geophysicists have innovated many of this industry’s vital processing steps and thus are both exceptionally experienced and ideally qualified to help solve exploration and production problems.
Virtual Network Adjustment

The value of acquiring high-resolution gravity can only be realized if high-resolution data processing is applied to the data. To answer this challenge, EDCON-PRJ also invented a number of methods of processing these data to obtain unprecedented detail.
Integrated Interpretation

From the early stages of exploration to prospect evaluation, integrated gravity and magnetic interpretations contribute to more effective exploration. Such interpretations aid in preplanning seismic surveys and serve as an independent check on seismic interpretations in difficult areas. They also provide the basis for an integrated approach to determination of density, verification of basement, information on fault offsets, and much more.
Drone/UAS Data Processing
To process data acquired by drone or UAS, we apply our advanced processing techniques to enhance features that exhibit discrete magnetic signatures. The advanced processing we utilize for these surveys involves a large number of iterative steps, each designed to amplify the discrete signatures of surface features while maintaining the integrity of the original data.