Northern Green River Basin, WY [A1027]

EDCON-PRJ has acquired an aeromagnetic survey over the northern Green River Basin, covering 76 townships in Sublette and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming.

The data can be used to map lineaments, edges of structural bodies, and faulting/fracturing believed to be associated with basement structure and thought to be important contributors to hydrocarbon trapping in this portion of the Green River Basin. Structural highs control some of the most significant fields discovered to date, and Paleozoic sections appear to be related to deep, reactivated basement structure. Additionally, there are indications that secondary porosity macrofracture trends have propagated a significant distance up into sections above basement faults. Intersecting basement fault trends will be more favorable for increased porosity and permeability.

The survey area is in the greater Pinedale Field area. The Wind River Mountains border the survey on the east, and the outcrops provide a reference for basement correlation. The LaBarge – Big Piney Complex on the northern part of the Moxa Arch borders the survey to the west.

Survey Size:

Approximately 5,571 line miles

Flight Lines:

NE-SW, 0.625-mile line spacing

Tie Lines:

NW-SE, 2.25-miles line spacing


500 feet above ground; draped over mountainous areas

Date Flown:


Data Provided:
  • Total Magnetic Intensity (IRGF removed) contour map
  • Flight Path Map
  • Reduced-To-Pole of TMI map
  • Vertical Derivative map (optional)
  • Horizontal Gradient (optional)
  • Profiles, on paper (optional)
  • CD/DVD with Flight Line data and grids
Total Cost:

Please contact for quote.

PDF spec sheet: PDF A1027_wy_green_river_basin_north_rev07-08


PDF map: A1027_wy_green_river_basin_north

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