Sampling rate:
0.25 seconds
Survey Size:
7,350 miles
Flight Lines:
N70-W, 1-mile spacing
Tie Lines:
N20-E, 4-mile spacing
500 feet above mean terrain
High-sensitivity, optically pumped magnetometer
Data Provided:
- Total Magnetic Intensity (IRGF removed) contour map
- Flight Path Map
- Reduced-To-Pole of TMI map
- Vertical Derivative map (optional)
- Horizontal Gradient (optional)
- Profiles, on paper (optional)
- CD/DVD with Flight Line data and grids
Total Cost:
Please contact for quote.
PDF spec sheet: A1017_tx_strawn_basin_rev_06-08
PDF map: A1017_strawn_basin
KMZ download: A1017_ellenberger_trend
SHP download: